Inspiration and fun at the world museum

Today scientists from the Institute of Ageing and Chronic Disease at the University of Liverpool hosted a “meet the scientists” event at the World Museum in Liverpool. Together we ran 7 cool events for the hundreds of kids and their parents.

I love these things. You can really see how much everyone gets out of it. Not just the kids, who undoubtably love cutting up eyes and lathering on sunscreen, but also all the volunteers involved. We all get a lot out of science, conveying our passion to the next generation is amazing. We go home happy, exhausted, but happy.

Below are some photos that I grabbed during some quiet time.


Below are some of the Hamill lab team in action… particular proud of these guys!

JohnJohn talking about the trabecular meshwork (not kidding, eye dissection gets pretty involved when talking to 3 year olds!)
Liam, Lee and JohnJohn in action: note stylistic differences
Kevin, Shona and Lizzy, sunscreen challenge (before any kids arrived!)
Conro and the giant cardio model: told you it was fun!

Some of the sunscreen pics



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