They grow up so fast – Jiraroch’s PhD graduation

There are many steps on the winding road to PhD. When you do half your degree in Thailand and the other in Liverpool, there are some extra ones. When you add in a global pandemic that disrupts travel plans and generally throws things up in the air, that road becomes even more tortuous (some might say torturous!). However, the final steps over the stage to collect the degree are the sweetest.

Jiraroch flew back into town last week for the Liverpool part of his graduation and we had an all-too-brief catch up in the lab.

Jiraroch’s PhD focused on improving burn wound repair. His experiments used a range of techniques from cells in a dish right through to pre-clinical models (expanded a bit here – Viva). The approaches tested look really promising and he was able to publish some nice papers from his work (links below). He’s now able to push parts of his project forward in his ongoing career.

It was an enormous pleasure interacting with Jiraroch over the last 4+ years and I look forward to collaborating with him as a colleague in the future.

LM511-E8 burn wound treatment

Targeting B1 repetitive sequence methylation in burn wounds

Targeting Alu methylation in burn wounds

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